Deflect Fast dry heat protection 5oz - Give Your Hair a Kiss

Deflect Fast dry heat protection 5oz


Deflect defends hair from the damaging effects of heat styling appliances while dramatically reducing drying time. Infused with abyssinian oil, ultra-light Deflect adds smoothness, slip and shine while helping to protect and extend the vibrancy of hair colour with AG’s exclusive CARE Complex.

When hair is wet, round, dense droplets of water sit on the surface of the hair shaft and require prolonged heat to evaporate. In Deflect, ingredients like abyssinian oil encourage the water droplets to collapse and lie flat, increasing the surface area of water available to heat. The result is water that evaporates rapidly and hair that dries significantly faster. 

Deflect Fast dry heat protection 5oz - Give Your Hair a Kiss

Deflect Fast dry heat protection 5oz
